Quote Dally="Dally"The issue is very simple - monetary union without fiscal union (and I would argue, linguistic union) is unsustainable. The while thing is fundamentally flawed and one has two ways to go - failure or one state. The one state solution also won't work because Germans will not wish to support the poorer regions in pother countries ad infinitum. The sooner they admit it is destined to fail and break the EZ and then EU up the better. Can't work, won't work.'"
The direction of global geopolitics has been overwhelmingly toward greater and greater "union" since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Which means the days of fully independent and autonomous states are over.
You are looking at this issue from an entirely outmoded perspective. First you must remember that over the last twenty years there has been a massive effort throughout the West to bleed power away from state governments and into the hands of the big banks and major industrial sectors. The end result has been the complete "hollowing out" of the state as traditionally defined.
The only frame of reference in which the notion of fully autonomous states remains is the one representing the 99.5% of EU inhabitants who
[uwield no power whatsoever[/u. If the remaining .5% ever saw themselves as patriotic citizens they quietly abandoned such loyalties some time ago in favour of joining a new super-class of EU power-brokers who see no distinction between "Spain" or "Italy" or "Germany" or "Greece". In public, of course, they wrap themselves in the flag like true super-patriots because it is politically expedient to do so. But privately they see only categories of people - those Europeans whom they can exploit and those they cannot.
None of this would be possible if it weren't for the media-contrived fiction of autonomous, independent sovereign "democracies" which allows them to offer a semi-plausible narrative for us to chew on whilst they amass greater wealth and power undisturbed.
It's a "Punch & Judy" show meant to fix the public's attention on convenient fictions and keep us guessing like in a parlour game whilst the real power brokers who form part of the "Deep State" below reach into your back pocket and empty out every last penny.
In order to make sense of the madness you really have to rid yourself of this illusion that "Germany" is an indivisible political entity lead by "Angela Merkel" and her cabinet. For a start - if it were possible to accurately determine the hundred most powerful people who at the very least claim to be German, Angela Merkel's name would be nowhere on it. Like David Cameron and probably every other political leader in the EU - she is little more than a highly-paid fall guy. Her job is to take "responsibility" for the effects of policies she has no control over. Once her term is up she'll be quickly sidelined and gagged - ready for the next fall guy's appearance.
The REAL power-brokers are the unelected, unaccountable and largely unknown people currently compiling the final draft of TTIP. Bear in mind that there are
US CONGRESSMEN can't even sneak a peek at that document. And those that do must sign non-disclosure agreements threatening instant death should they reveal the presence of so much as a full-stop.
So, right now the fiction is "Greek Debt". But it could just as easily be anything. The .5% who are attempting to own Greece (remember, to THEM "Greece" doesn't exist) also own the media so they can say what they like. People will believe anything if it's wrapped in sufficient Authority.