Quote Saddened!="Saddened!"I cant believe people seriously oppose the plans to tax spare rooms in council properties?'"
Its not a tax, you have to stop calling it a tax, its not a tax, tax on properties, it sends Tories into spasms of fear at what happened last time, its not a tax, just like JSA isn't a wage, its not.
What it is is an ill conceived plan to cut benefits payments, nothing more.
Remember June 2010 when the newly elected Cameron sent his Ministers away and told them to come back with plenty of ideas on how to cut their public spending budgets ?
They went away and spoke to all manner of advisors, civil servants, and university graduates like themselves, you know, people with real life experience, and they came back with a whole long list of ideas, some of which were even reasonable, some were a bit impractical, and others were just "Fekk off, they'll never stand for that".
Well, nearly three years on and the country is still borrowing more money than ever and they've gone down the lists again and now its time for the ones that were on the "Fekk off, they'll never stand for that" list, with a new foudn confidence that if you just blame all of these people then the rest will agree, a sort of Jeremy Kyle Does Politics.
The proof of the pudding is in this newspaper article, ok so its The Mirror and you wouldn't expect them to agree, but read it anyway ... [urlhttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/bedroom-tax-farce-just-50-1745529[/url
Even if The Mirror is 100% out in its numbers then its still a national disgrace that is being perpetrated on the most vulnerable in our society where they have no choice but to hand back some of their housing benefit simply because there is nothing else on offer.
Its not selfishness that makes people have one or even two spare bedrooms in their council house, its circumstances and the fact that there is no other size dwelling available, if there were tens of thousands of one bed accomodation standing empty because no-one would take it then the anti-council tenant rhetoric would have some standing, but the fact is that its a perfect benefit cut because there is no get-out clause.