Can't ever see Clarkson adopting a 'victim' role! I enjoy Top Gear, and the humour. Though the "nursery rhyme" and the "slope on a bridge" were, like most of it, a script he was given to perform. Weirdly most people seem to think he comes up with this stuff, off the top of his head. The "slope" comment was just one more scripted "double entendre" he read out. What's weirder still is when he reads a script, then the Beeb have second thoughts and don't broadcast it, yet someone "leaks" it and dummies have a go at Clarkson, who was just doing his job.
I remember the brilliant "Mexican" script, it was bloody hilarious, and anyone who thinks it was to be taken seriously needs to get a life. Of course part of it was delivered by Richard Hammond, but then he's "nice" so nobody gets professionally outraged about that bit.
Quote nursery rhyme"Why would you want a Mexican car? Because cars reflect national characteristics don't they?
"Mexican cars are just going to be lazy, feckless, flatulent, overweight, leaning against a fence asleep looking at a cactus with a blanket with a hole in the middle on as a coat."'"
Anyone with a brain must surely realise that this is just a direct reference to a cartoon humour stereotype, and if you think it says or even is meant to suggest that yes, actually, all Mexicans are asleep staring at a cactus under a blanket etc., then you really need to give your head a wobble.
Clarkson chimed in. he said that here would be no complaints this time because
Quote nursery rhymethe Mexican ambassador would: "be sitting there with a remote control like this,". The presenter pretended to slump in a chair, snoring.'"
I laughed out loud at that one. Sheer genius. And no, I don't think the Mexican ambassador would be any more likely to be snoring than any other human, I don't even know who he is, and no doubt he is a hard worker etc etc., but seriously if he doesn't see the joke (he didn't"icon_wink.gif then he has a humour bypass.
The thing is, on a daily basis, the Twittersphere over, vast numbers of idiots, trolls and malicious arrseholes feel able and ready to post endless vile abuse all day long against just about anyone, yet the same people all get professionally outraged at clever not a bit malicious humour.
Whatever happened between Clarkson and the producer remains unclear but of course normal disciplinary procedures should apply to them same as anyone. However the public dropping of the remaining 3 Top gear episodes clearly shows that it is not about that incident, but a vendetta to find an excuse to drop Clarkson, by enemies of his and of the programme. As the screening of these episodes has absolutely no bearing on the incident.