Quote McLaren_Field="McLaren_Field"<snip>'"
I never dealt with Morrison's until the mid to late 80s, they hadn't even appeared in the East Riding before then. I sold Morrison's their trucks and although most of my dealings were with the Fleet Engineer (Ken Morrison's son in law), I also used to get the occasional telephone call from the man himself (Ken Morrison was one of the very few people who had my home-phone number), including one that led to me attending the Bradford site on a Sunday morning because "that's when most of the trucks are there lad". The contact continued well through the 90s and into the new millennium, for various reasons but usually him calling on a favour. I still can't recollect me ever saying no to the man.
MY general impression of him was "Arkwright on speed". He was basically still a grocer at heart but knew that he had to find an edge or be swallowed by Tesco's or similar. Although he could be a 2@, you knew once he'd shaken hands, the deal was done.