Quote JLM32="JLM32"Twitter has given more of the conspiracy theorist lunatics a voice, and has had "False Flag" becoming more prevalent.
No aspect of free thinking scares me. What does scare me is that howl at the moon conspiracy theorists who find hoaxes in everything without one scrap of actual real evidence. Reading these websites that claim "absolute proof of a hoax" is hilarious '"
Research,, research, research. why do people post drivel before looking at the overwhelming synchronised evidence which ALL false flagged terrorist events carry the same DNA with the same modus operandi. It’s so blatantly obvious they’re planned and so coincidental in their making. Here’s a series of terrorist attacks that took place AT THE SAME TIME and IN THE SAME WAY as official "drills" were being conducted by governmental institutions or companies affiliated to the government.
During the 9/11 attacks, the US Air Force, NORAD was conducting a "simulation" where terrorists hijackers had taken over passenger jets in order to fly them into buildings. Also, for several years prior to the 9/11 events, the U.S. defence agency conducted drills using REAL AIRCRAFT simulating terrorist attacks crashing jets into buildings, including the twin towers and the Pentagon. On the morning of 9/11, 5 war games and terror drills were being conducted by several U.S. defence agencies, including one live fly exercise using REAL planes. Drills also apparently included the injection of false radar blips onto the screens of air traffic controllers.
Simulations of a terrorist attack were also undergoing in 2005 in London 7/7 , when the actual attacks took place: On the afternoon and evening of 7th July 2005, information came to light about a private company running a terror rehearsal operation in London at the time that real explosions were reported to have occurred on the transport network. These revelations came not from an anonymous source but instead from the Managing Director (Peter Power) of the private firm running the terror rehearsal operation.
During the Sandy Hoax massacre, the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA conducted an exercise entitled: Needs for children in disasters at the same day, 12/14/2012, and in the same State as the Sandy Hook events!
The Oslo, Norway, bomb attacks in Oslo, a powerful bomb went off in or near the building which houses the office of the Prime Minister. Exactly as we would expect, special anti-terror police had been drilling setting off bombs in a nearby part of the Norwegian capital in advance, specifically during 2010. The public had not been informed in advance, but found out what was happening when they began hearing bombs in the opera house district, less than a kilometre away from the prime minister’s office which was attacked on Friday. Armed police were seen in the area around the opera house in Oslo, and violent explosions could be heard over large parts of the city. No one knew that this was all a matter of practice. The Information Section of the Oslo police deeply regretted that the public was not made aware of the seemingly dramatic exercise. It was the emergency squad, the national police special unit against terrorism, which was conducting a drill in the cordoned off area at Bjørvika pier.
According to a press release from the police, nearly a day after the exercise, the drill consisted of training in the controlled detonation of explosive charges. The exercise will continue for the rest of Wednesday night and a few more explosions are expected. The exercise followed a familiar pattern for all anti-terror forces around the world: The men lowered themselves down from the ceiling and into through the window that had just been blown out, while they fired hand their weapons.
The 2004 Madrid train bombing. A few hours before the Madrid Bombings, NATO carried out a terrorism exercise in Madrid.
Former Secretary General of NATO, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, described it as a "coincidence" that, on 4 March 2004, there was an anti-terrorist exercise (CMX-04) in Madrid, finishing just a few hours before the bombings. The NATO counter-terrorism exercise involved an imagined attack which would kill 200 people. This number is very close to the number of fatalities that occurred in the actual Madrid Bombings.
There's many many more if you RESEARCH, Paris Friday morning being the latest to have this copy cat modus operandi event. It's easy just join the dots. Now if you think all this is conjecture or coincidence I suggest you do what Mugwump said and do your own RESEARCH which in the basis of your post you clearly haven’t.