Quote Fax4Life="Fax4Life"This opens even more questions as in why do Halifax RLFC pay for the old changing rooms and showers in the old block and records store and not FC Halifax Town???
The gym is used by FCHT why are they not paying for it, oh and by the way the gym was built and kitted out by Halifax RLFC.
So Town do not use the laundry at the Shay - I am asking as I don't know on this one?
Town don't have a boot room?
If I was Halifax RLFC I would be going over this with a fine toothed comb.
Oh and as for the number of games played as against training sessions I don't think that is the same as for a match you need staff such as stewards etc.. which costs more plus do Town not train at the Shay than really??? Plus as Fax play in summer a lot of these training sessions won't even need the floodlights on and as Town play mostly in the Autumn and Winter they need them on for their games = higher costs you don't mention that anywhere do you? This is the problem breaking down costs makes this all very silly and for me it should be the same rate for BOTH clubs end of story.
You are a sad person indeed doing all these FOIs, get a life you vindictive person, your slurs on the Halifax RLFC Board are almost slanderous, in fact a disgrace you should take a look in the mirror.
Oh and again tell me how many members does Halifax Town Supporters Trust have now you seem to have a memory lapse and never tell us, funny that maybe I will do an FOI to Supporters Direct and find out myself eh?'"
1) I am sure your club will be investigating every avenue to come up with further excuses as to why it shouldn't pay more rent than Town.
2) Why do you keep bringing up stewards? Each club pays for their own match day stewards!!!!!!
3) Of course you want both clubs to be on the same rate. Its like living in a house worth £500,000 and your neighbours is worth only £350,000 yet wanting to pay the same as them.
4) All these FOIs? I have done 1! One! Un! Uno!!!!!!! Slurs on the Halifax RLFC board? OK, show me when I have said anything almost slanderous (which is verbal by the way!) about them? Show me where I have written anything libel (which is written) about them? I stick to the truth which is backed up by the FOIs.
5) Halifax Town Supporters' Trust has about 10 members, about £11k in the bank and are in a semi-dormant state. We are up to date with our FCA obligations and I keep in regular touch with Supporters Direct and have always, personally, had a good relationship with the staff there. But feel free to do a FOI although I don't think they would fall under the scope of organisations who have to abide by FOI requests.
Linda, I am not trying to represent anyone and haven't since the successful Asset of Community Value application. Someone summed it up perfectly on theshaymen.net "They seem to think that this is about Halifax Town supporters justifying why Halifax RLFC are paying a higher rent. It isn't; it's about countering the outright lies thrown out by Steele and others involved with the rugby club. When they're out there justifying their non-payment by reference to what Halifax Town pays, it's only right that their "justification" is shown up for what it is - complete and utter bo11ocks."
Have a pleasant day.