Quote bootie="bootie"Facts where have i come out with this crap. Fact you live in the same society as i so it's my fault not yours?
I would prefer to buy british sue me, yes let me buy seasonal vegetables, let me talk to british workers at call centres, let me buy clothes made in the uk. SLOW DOWN if we do this are we racist are we hek.
Fact big buisness dictate what we can buy, get onto them don't have a cheap shot at me.
If we don't buy the goods made from 'foreigners' won't they be worse off, so what do you want make your mind up.'"
Jesus, you're like a terrier with a rag doll! Yes I do live in the same country as you, at least I think I do. The one I live in is tolerant and allows people the freedom to do what they like within the confines of the law without anyone openly wishing them ill.
You see, the point I'm making is a simple one. I have no idea how you live your life but I can absolutely guarantee that you'll routinely do at least something that other people disapprove of. Innocuous acts like leaving lights on annoys the green lobby, speeding annoys the road safety groups. Boisterous or drunken late night capers which seem harmless to participants can strike fear into the elderly.. oh I could go on - but none of us have to look too far to find something in our lives that p*sses someone else off. If all those people you regularly "annoy" could be bothered to tell you they hope you die, then you'd feel pretty different about coming out with such thoughtless cr*p yourself, of that I'm pretty sure.
Now as far as smoking goes, the days of being forced (as if you ever were) to go into smoky bars, etc, are over. The law changed a couple of years ago, so that non-smokers are now fully protected unless they themselves are being overtly belligerent. Smokers are pushed outside now, if you want to continue to be affected by smoking you have to go looking for them. And if that's the case - if you go out of your way to be a pain for people who smoke in the open air - then you deserve all you get, frankly.
In a diverse society the key is a word I've already used - tolerance. Other people will do things you don't do, or don't like. I'd suggest you learn to live with that fact (especially when what they do helps keep your taxes down) or p*ss off to less tolerant society if you find you can't. On balance, you've got it pretty damn good in this country.. laughing at the prospect of someone else being hospitalised is totally childish and bang out of order.
Right, that'll do me...