Quote kingsting="kingsting"im a quins fan that lives in uxbridge so park at hillingdon one stop back to uxbridge get the 222 bus to hounslow then the 281 i think to the stoop easy'"
Bless London fans .... I don't think this tread is aimed at your game, but rather the one we're playing in the week after (when London have gotten the weekend off) in another part of London.
For the record, I am working close to the capital on the Friday and have a hotel in the vicinity of the M25 ring and where I am staying is about 10 mins from a mainline station. Central London in about 40mins and several travel options around the northern edge of the metropolis.
Leaving my car there all day and collecting it afterwards to drive home. Should be about a good hour after all the finals traffic has hit the motorways and also I am taking the least well used of the ways North after the game.
I love it when a plan comes together !