If Senior gets punished in any way shape or form all the players should club together and all the players should refuse to speak to any member of the press, including Rhinos TV, in the immediate aftermath of games to give them an opportunity to calm down and take stock.
Mr Irvine of the times seems to share Seniors' sentiment.
Where am I?
Quote techniqueKeith Senior had some harsh words for referee Richard Silverwood during and after Leeds's 18-10 World Club Challenge loss to Melbourne, including some of the four-lettered variety in the bowels of Elland Road, for which the Rhinos veteran could find himself on the naughty step at Red Hall.
Senior's frustration boiling over at Melbourne's wrestling, niggling and spoiling tactics led to the penalty by Cameron Smith that crucially put the NRL champions ahead on the hour mark. Yes, it was wrong, and, no, he shouldn't have had a go at Mr Silverwood, but part of me could sympathise with Senior, because the Storm played the referee - their choice of referee, moreover - perfectly.
I'm not usually moved in a press box to bark at a referee, but Sunday night was the limit. Melbourne got away with murder in wrestling and lying on at the play-the-ball, which was rendered a farce. As a spectacle, the game was ruined. You had to read between the lines when Leeds coach Brian McClennan spoke about British referees not being used to Melbourne's "technique".'"
I am glad we have players who are passionate about winning and have no issue with what Senior had to say. I think he was right as well btw. Should he have said it? Well, perhaps not but if we're going to allow journalists to interview players immediately after games then that is what you will get.