Quote the flying biscuit="the flying biscuit"Good lord they are the same age, but By the Time Peacock had got round to being a Bradford Regular Morley had won a challenge cup, played in a Superleague Grand Final and had decided to Sign for an NRL club. As Good a Ball player James Graham is and As good a Leader Peacock is they dont have a highlights reel Like Morley's.'"
Aaaargh ... that's PRECISELY the reason Morley just doesn't do it for me. I'm not interested in "highlight reels". And Morley has always been a "highlights player". You talk of histrionics - Morley is the ultimate example of such. Instead of exerting constant influence on a game he's forever jumping in and out of it with a showy barnstorming run here, a near-horizontal shoulder charge there - throw in one or two borderline decapitations and one definite.
Both Graham and Peacock give nothing less than everything for every second they are on the pitch. Both churn up huge amounts of yards and have other facets to the game. Morley was never a great yardage maker. All too often he'd dumbly plough headlong into six guys like some kind of deranged masochist. The crowd love it. What a "tough guy!". More like ... [iwhat a moron[/i. Only an utter moron would get himself sent off against the Aussies in the first ten seconds. Morley knew exactly what he was doing. He could easily have gone into Kearns a bit lower. But no. His over-stuffed ego couldn't countenance not being the centre of attention.
He was a moron on the pitch and he was an even bigger moron off it. Only a moron when playing (captaining?) the GB team which was then sponsored by "Think! Don't Drink & Drive" would soak himself in booze, jump in the car, wrap it up and then do a runner.
Basically he was a big guy with limited skills who won fans over by being "spectacular". He's the type of guy who films himself for Jackass running head first into a concrete wall, rolls about laughing at the end like a dribbling idiot - and then pulls down his pants to light a fart with a match. In fact - "Jackass" is a word which perfectly describes Morley. I couldn't pick a better one if I scoured every last page of the Oxford dictionary.