Quote nestegg="nestegg"
Maybe somebody should ask CB tomorrow eve and on Wed eve what added value Duffy has added to the club in recent years, and is Stuart to be a key/central figure in the club's rebirth (as CB would like to have us believe) moving forward?
Also you may want to ask CB who is Mark Wallace; what role will he play in the club, and is he related to Shane Spencer, formerly of the genuinely maligned Austria-Holdings UK Ltd? Mark W does after all bear a remarkable resemblance to Shane.
Why don’t you go to the forum tomorrow/weds to ask these questions that you feel are so important?
The forum is next week for one.
Secondly, you turn up and ask these questions and everyone there that reads this message board then knows who you are. Most people on here probably now know who is involved in your little group anyway and think the way you have behaved on here, especially towards one particular poster, is quite frankly a disgrace.
Do you really think people are going to go to a fans forum and ask these things on your behalf? Do it yourself if you are so confident in what you are saying instead of trying to stir up/incite others to do your bidding.