Quote sir steve menzies="sir steve menzies"if all the insidents were grade A offences then everyone of the players should have recieved a 1 match ban
some one said earlier leeds and hetherington are too far up the RFLs ar5e that they have only given him a fine
he did kick out and it wasnt a little kick either....full on dirty begger'"
Are you for real? I doubt it somehow. You certainly know very little about the game.
I am in agreement with FA to be honest, and was at the time. I do think it should have been banned, not for the incident concerned but because he is not the first one to do it, and wont' be the last, unless there is a deterrent in place. I think the RFL should have made an example of him.
That said what a ridiculous post by sir steve menzies. The punishment for a grade A is nothing to one match. Just because someone else got a ban off an A grade, does not mean others there should get the same. What a stupid thought.
As for Leeds players never getting banned. Again what a truely jelous ridiculous comment to make on this board. Having Leeds just played Bradford last week with Webb banned, it highlights how misguided some fans are. A ban that was incredibly harsh for the offence committed.
It's about time posters started thinking before posting in future.