Quote gutterfax="gutterfax"This bit?
Good job I'm a thick skinned bugger then isn't it, because you and the anteater amongst others have been quite abusive to me, when in reality, I didn't cause the mess your club finds itself in. '"
The first bit you leave out is that if not abused, I will not return fire. The second bit is that what I generally aim in your direction is a few home truths (which you refuse to accept), and contempt for your motives (which include an obsessive need to upset fans of our club by making endless posts expressing repeated and manifest glee at the troubles our club is in. The sort of things you should, if you feel that way, either send directly to the past or previous owners if your satisfaction at their demise is really aimed at them not the fans, or else at least qualify your remarks or even couch them in such a way that it is clear your mission is not just to pour salt on the wounds of Bulls fans on the Bulls forum.
Quote gutterfax="gutterfax"Here's a thought! ..... Rather than blaming ... the tooth fairy ..., why not accept that this isn't the early 2000's.....'"
As this is our own forum, (where decent guests are very welcome) we are able to discuss the whole history of the club, and how it has come to this, and what anyone may have done or not done, and anyone but the absolutely most dense already knows that it has come to where we are now through an extremely complex, convoluted route, involving numerous parties. It is reasonable to talk about them and indeed nobody can begin to understand the end result without knowing the background. Many, many people are to blame in varying degrees.
It is the early 2000s. 2014 is only a little over 1.4% through the 2000s. Or even 14%, if you were referring to this century. Either way, that's pretty early. And anyway, one of the major seeds in our self-destruction was planted in 2004 (Harrisgate). Key players we lost then are still playing (eg Leon Pryce, and most notably, Jamie Peacock) so even your grasp on history is tenuous at best.
Quote gutterfax="gutterfax"the Bills aren't a big club any more '"
The Bradford club always was and always will be a big club to most of its peers. (If it exists at all). But I follow it because it is my hometown club, and the question of whether it is a "big club" is irrelevant. It is the club I love, and many regulars on here love. Which is one of many reasons why your continued fan baiting and derision is as appropriate in here as a fart in a spacesuit. But crack on, as it clearly amuses you.
Quote gutterfax="gutterfax"and you may have to get used to away trips to Sheffield and Halifax next year. '"
And there manifests another major difference between me and you. I don't despise and belittle clubs like Sheffield or Halifax. I look on them as part of the fabric of the game. I also know it is irrelevant to you, as you think 2004 is ancient history, but I well remember Halifax's first division and Super League days, and the many years of very fierce and very enjoyable rivalry that existed between our respective clubs. It may surprise you to know that Sheffield used to be in the top flight as well. So misguided trolls like you don't upset me in the slightest with about "playing Sheffield or Halifax". I love those places. If my team is playing, then I'll be there, the league doesn't matter.
Such clubs are part of my history and rugby league soul too. I have great memories of many of them. I remember Bradford winning the title at a game at the Don Valley. I remember many freezing and snowy Boxing Day games up at Thrum Hall. When Fax were in trouble "way back in the early 2000s" I was only too happy to support them and contribute to the fund. In fact, only this week I took delivery of an excellent little book, "Featherstone Rovers Rugby League Club" by Ron Bailey which is literally crammed with evocative photos. I'm probably in some of them. Featherstone remains one of my favourite grounds to visit.
So as I say, if it makes you happy, crack on throwing your jibes. You may now just have a better understanding why apart from a feeling of sadness, I treat the drivel and baiting of idiots like you with the contempt those postings deserve.
Now crawl back under your rock, and don't bother coming out unless you have something to say worth saying.