Quote bowlingboy="bowlingboy"£149 is hardly handing over your first born is it?'"
The best way to make a point is to use an extreme example. An "exaggeration"...
a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is.
"it would be an exaggeration to say I had morning sickness, but I did feel queasy"
synonyms: overstatement, overemphasis, magnification, amplification, aggrandizement, overplaying, dramatization, overdramatization, enhancement, elaboration, over-elaboration, embellishment, over-embellishment, embroidery, hyperbole, overkill, gilding the lily; More
the action of making exaggerations.
"he was prone to exaggeration"
The point was never that £149 is a rip off. It was against those people who seem to be under the impression that even if the club were to ask for £1,000 for a season ticket, we should all pay it because we love the club and are just happy it still exists. Those idiots.