I was tempted to answer "Thursday Evening" as I know that in another thread someone has stated that in a poll you wouldn't get [uany[/u Thursday evenings being voted for...but then I realise that would be obtuse...
The best answer for me would be "No Preference", but then I am obviously in a more fortunate position than you, Yed, and those others who struggle with shift patterns and changing them; as I do not have that problem. And before anyone else mentions it, I also attend games with my daughter; who is of school age.
I think I understand the argument from both sides of the issue.
I sympathise with all those who struggle to attend matches that are scheduled for dates that they cannot change due to work committments, I more than sympathise with those who have already bought their ST's ahead of the scheduling only to find that they cannot attend as many matches as they would like (without discount or compensation), but I also see that Sky have the game over the proverbial barrel due to their financial input.
I hate to see our (and other) stadia with empty terracing and seats, and, not having Sky TV at home, I struggle to see a lot of the games that are televised across the season.
I missed a total of 2 home games last season due to holiday and family occasions and was absolutely gutted, so can only imagine how brassed off you must feel.
I am unsure what can, will or should be done, but am willing to back any campaigns to change things to make it more accessible to everyone. If it is just a case of the RFL growing a pair, or suddenly having some spine, then I am afraid I wouldn't hold your breath