Quote DemonUK="DemonUK"So, the sponsor of the Championship own the ground, and the governing body are responsible for the lease...............'"
I'm not completely certain of the facts, but from memory, I think it goes something like this:
Keighley owned their own ground and a substantial portion of surrounding land - this was bequeathed to them by local scrap mogul Tommy Holmes with a covenant that sport must always be played there.
A good few years ago Keighley sold to the Co-Op (before they were sponsors of the championship) and Keighley operated from a lease (but the covenant still held that sport should be played on the site)
The lease was up for renewal a couple of months ago and the Co-Op negotiated with Cougars and the RFL. The outcome was that The RFL were offered the lease and sub-let to Keighley. Seems to me a clever move by the Co-Op.
Not knowing the full facts of why Keighley could not pay the tax man, I'm not sure that anyone was conned (did a major sponsor renege?). We still have to bare in mind that Keighley offered an immediate £90,000 with the remaining £90,000 on terms but the tax man refused.
It's all left a very bitter taste for lots of different reasons and I would like to know the facts. However, it's probably in some people's interests to keep schtum.