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| [uSL Round 27 attendances - comparison to same fixtures last year[/u
Wigan V Warrington in 2014 = 15,656
Wigan V Warrington in 2013 = 20,050
% decrease = -21.92%
Hull V Leeds in 2014 = 11,964
Hull V Leeds in 2013 = 11,901
% increase = +0.53%
Salford V Widnes in 2014 = 3,268
Salford V Widnes in 2013 = 3,775
% decrease = -13.43%
Huddersfield V St Helens in 2014 = 7,244
Huddersfield V St Helens in 2013 = 5,203
% increase = +39.23%
London V Bradford in 2014 = 1,402
London V Bradford in 2013 = 1,441
% decrease = -2.71%
Catalans V Castleford in 2014 = 6,195
Catalans V Castleford in 2013 = 7,083
% decrease = -12.53%
Wakefield V Hull KR in 2014 = 4,481
Wakefield V Hull KR in 2013 = 9,237
% decrease = 51.49%
Total Attendance in SL Round 27 = 50,210 (Avg: 7,173)
Total Attendance same fixtures last year = 58,690 (Avg: 8,384)
% decrease = -14.48%
2 out of 7 fixtures in Round 26 have shown an increase in attendance compared to the same SL fixtures last year. 5 out of 7 fixtures in Round 26 have shown a decrease in attendance compared to the same SL fixtures last year.
[uSL Round 27 attendances (V corresponding 7 fixtures 2009-2013)[/u
=#FF0000SL 2014.. Round 27 total = 50,210
SL 2013... same fixtures = 58,690 -14.48%
SL 2012... same fixtures = 66,278 -24.24%
SL 2011... same fixtures = 65,059 -22.82% =#FF0000**
SL 2010... same fixtures = 68,158 -26.33% =#FF0000**
SL 2009... same fixtures = 58,186 -13.71% =#FF0000**
NOTE...=#FF0000** except replace Widnes with Crusaders
[uRegular Season SL Attendances by Round in 2014 V Corresponding Fixtures in 2013[/u
[uRound 1 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 71,744 (Avg: 10,249)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 66,109 (Avg: 9,444)
% increase = +8.52%
[uRound 2 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 58,829 (Avg: 8,404)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 59,229 (Avg: 8,461)
% decrease = -0.67%
[uRound 3 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 52,641 (Avg: 7,520)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 53,062 (Avg: 7,580)
% decrease = -0.79%
[uRound 4 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 51,246 (Avg: 7,321)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 52,108 (Avg: 7,444)
% decrease = -1.65%
[uRound 5 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 62,477 (Avg: 8,925)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 56,276 (Avg: 8,039)
% increase = +11.02%
[uRound 6 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 59.174 (Avg: 8,453)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 63,482 (Avg: 9,069)
% decrease = -6.79%
[uRound 7 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 55,493 (Avg: 7,92icon_cool.gif
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 58,746 (Avg: 8,392)
% decrease = -5.54%
[uRound 8 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 65,161 (Avg: 9,309)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 73,890 (Avg: 10,556)
% decrease = -11.81%
[uRound 9 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 60,012 (Avg: 8,573)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 55,814 (Avg: 11,692)
% increase = +7.52%
[uRound 10 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 68,989 (Avg: 9,856)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 75,178 (Avg: 10,740)
% decrease = -8.23%
[uRound 11 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 65,872 (Avg: 9,410)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 64,275 (Avg: 9,182)
% increase = +2.48%
[uRound 12 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 43,998 (Avg: 6,285)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 48,131 (Avg: 6,876)
% decrease = -8.59%
[uRound 13 (MOONIE TRAGIC WEEKEND) Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 64,552 (Avg: 9,222)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 62,042 (Avg: 8,863)
% increase = +4.04%
[uRound 14 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 52,774 (Avg: 7,539)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 59,216 (Avg: 8,459)
% decrease = -10.88%
[uRound 15 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 46,134 (Avg: 6,591)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 47,814 (Avg: 6,831)
% decrease = -3.51%
[uRound 16 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 51,644 (Avg: 7,37icon_cool.gif
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 62,354 (Avg: 8,90icon_cool.gif
% decrease = -17.18%
[uRound 17 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 52,105 (Avg: 7,444)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 56,413 (Avg: 8,059)
% decrease = -7.64%
[uRound 18 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 64,595 (Avg: 9,22icon_cool.gif
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 75,100 (Avg: 10,729)
% decrease = -13.99%
[uRound 19 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 41,747 (Avg: 5,964)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 50,313 (Avg: 7,18icon_cool.gif
% decrease = -17.01%
[uRound 20 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 53,972 (Avg: 7,710)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 57,667 (Avg: 8,23icon_cool.gif
% decrease = -6.41%
[uRound 21 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 60,229 (Avg: 8,604)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 63,343 (Avg: 9,049)
% decrease = -4.92%
[uRound 22 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 48,617 (Avg: 6,945)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 52,563 (Avg: 7,509)
% decrease = -7.51%
[uRound 23 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 61,080 (Avg: 8,726)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 67,864 (Avg: 9,695)
% decrease = -10.00%
[uRound 24 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 41,951 (Avg: 5,993)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 47,481 (Avg: 6,783)
% decrease = -11.65%
[uRound 25 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 69,297 (Avg: 9,900)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 71,292 (Avg: 10,185)
% decrease = -2.80%
[uRound 26 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 65,789 (Avg: 9,39icon_cool.gif
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 61,259 (Avg: 8,751)
% increase = +7.39%
[uRound 27 Fixtures (7 in total)[/u
Total attendance in 2014 = 50,210 (Avg: 7,173)
Total attendance for same fixtures in 2013 = 58,690 (Avg: 8,384)
% decrease = -14.48%
[uRounds 1 to 27 Fixtures (189 in total)[/u
Total attendance for 182 fixtures + 7 Tragic fixtures in 2014 = 1,540,332 (Avg: 8,150)
Total attendance for same 182 fixtures + 7 Tragic fixtures in 2013 = 1,619,701 (Avg: 8,570)
Cumulative attendance loss = -79,369
% decrease = -4.90%
Out of 182 fixtures played throughout the regular season in 2014, 70 out of 182 have shown an increase in attendance compared to the corresponding SL fixtures last year. 112 out of 182 fixtures have shown a decrease in attendance compared to the corresponding SL fixtures last year.
4 SL clubs attendances were up on last season.
10 SL clubs attendances were down on last season.
[uClub... Games... 2014... 2013... %gain/loss[/u
Salford... 13... 58691... 40622... +44.48%
Castleford... 13... 91885... 81979... +12.08%
St Helens... 13... 156664... 147483... +6.23%
Hull KR... 13... 102022... 97430... +4.71%
Huddersfield... 13... 82361... 82790... -0.52%
Leeds... 13... 195880... 197556... -0.85%
Wigan... 13... 183321... 189084... -3.05%
Hull... 13... 143841... 151843... -5.27%
Widnes... 13... 73258... 78191... -6.31%
Warrington... 13... 128313... 138232... -7.18%
Catalans... 13... 99670... 108719... -8.32%
Bradford... 13... 86487... 111320... -22.31%
London... 13... 16828... 28775... -41.52%
Wakefield... 13... 56559... 103635... -45.42%
Subtotal... 182... 1475780... 1557659... -5.26%
Moonie/Tragic... 7... 64552... 62042... +4.04%
TOTAL... 189... 1540332... 1619701... -4.90%
[uCurrent Average Attendances V Same Fixtures Last Year[/u
[uClub... SL:2014... (SL:2013)[/u
Leeds... 15068... (15197)
Wigan... 14102... (14545)
St Helens... 12051... (11345)
Hull... 11065... (11680)
Warrington... 9870... (10633)
Hull KR... 7848... (7495)
Catalans... 7667... (8363)
Castleford... 7068... (6306)
Bradford... 6653... (8563)
Huddersfield... 6335... (636icon_cool.gif
Widnes... 5635... (6015)
Salford... 4515... (3125)
Wakefield... 4351... (7972)
London... 1294... (2213)
Average... 8109... (8559)
[uSL Rounds 1 to 27 total attendances comparison (2009 to 2014)[/u
=#FF0000SL 2014 - 1,540,332 from 182 fixtures + 7 Tragic fixtures
SL 2013 - 1,619,701 from same 182 fixtures + 7 Tragic fixtures
SL 2012 - 1,807,643 from same 182 fixtures + 7 Tragic fixtures
SL 2011 - 1,689,984 from same 182 fixtures + 7 Tragic fixtures=#FF0000**
SL 2010 - 1,644,641 from same 182 fixtures + 7 Tragic fixtures=#FF0000**
SL 2009 - 1,670,308 from same 182 fixtures + 7 Tragic fixtures=#FF0000**
[uSL 2014 % decrease in attendances (V corresponding 182 fixtures + 7 Tragic fixtures)[/u
V SL 2013 = -4.90%
V SL 2012 = -14.79%
V SL 2011 = -8.86% =#FF0000**
V SL 2010 = -6.34% =#FF0000**
V SL 2009 = -7.78% =#FF0000**
[uSL 2014 attendance losses (V corresponding 182 fixtures + 7 Tragic fixtures)[/u
V SL 2013 = -79,369
V SL 2012 = -267,311
V SL 2011 = -149,652 =#FF0000**
V SL 2010 = -104,309 =#FF0000**
V SL 2009 = -129,976 =#FF0000**
[uSL regular season average attendances (V corresponding 182 fixtures + 7 Tragic fixtures)[/u
SL 2014 = 8,150
SL 2013 = 8,570
SL 2012 = 9,564
SL 2011 = 8,942 =#FF0000**
SL 2010 = 8,702 =#FF0000**
SL 2009 = 8,838 =#FF0000**
NOTE...=#FF0000** except replace Widnes with Crusaders