Quote Starbug="Starbug"icon_lol.gif
I'm gone
Ok Starbug, I will tell you the whole story, so you will then understand!
The Newmarket Stadium will, if all goes to plan, be owned and run by Wakefield Community Stadium Trust (I think that is the exact name, but don't shoot me if not - which is a trust company registered as such at companies house) and not WMDC. The trust (as a not for profit organisation trustee organisation) will be the sole shareholder/parent company of what I am sure will be an operating company that will be formed in due course to run the stadium and community sport complex for the trust. Simple!
The current board does not have anyone from WMDC as a trustee either however, I think it possible that the board will be added to if the PI goes as hoped and work commences on the project. I think WMDC, Wakefield Trinity Wildcats, Wakefield College/Leeds University and interested people from the community could be invited and form part of the trust board/become trustees in the future. But that is up to the current trustees of course, but I am sure that is likley!
Yorkcourt - They have an agreement with Wakefield MDC to part fund (the major part) the construction of the facility for the trust. This deal is in lieu of effective section 106 agreements, for this site AND some other sites that Yorkcourt are already developing and looking to develop within the district. They are not the sole funder and Wakefield College/Leeds University will be contributing to provide the new shared community sport facilities at the site which will also house the sports, tourism and leisure students. The remaining funding comes from the £2m land security loaned to the trust from WMDC and the smallest part from various grant aid, Sport England, lottery sports funds already identified etc.
One final thing on this, I would speculate that Yorkcourt might continue to own the land upon which the facility sits and lease it to the trust on a 99 year lease at peppercorn rent. This is a good fall back position for their investors.
The point (I think ) you are trying to make about underwriting and also the developer looking to try and recoup their investment, as with Salford and Peel, doesn't apply here because it is the section 106 lieu deal and the overall development of this and the other sites which generate Yorkcourt their return. The trust will own a brand new stadium facility and they only have to cover the costs and overhead of running and maintaining the stadium, not deliver a return to any investors. Wakefield Trinity will be a paying a tenant BUT as the stadium trust doesn't need to profit from this to pay anyone back, so this cost will be reasonable and sustainable to the club.
Of course, the cost of running a stadium is high and, as we all know, the more use the stadium can be put to the better. Hence the large conference and banqueting suite that will be part of the main stand. It will be 450 seated table covers (which will probably be around a 1000 in theatre style) which will make it the largest of it's kind in West Yorkshire (the ICC at Harrogate probably being the only place in the whole of Yorkshire larger). This will be used for match day corporate and when not, then all other types of corporate, conference and wedding/party events (it splits into three of course). The area is well served with beds with two other hotels close by and several hundred more within less than 15 minutes drive. The hotel planned as part of the wider Newmarket development is, in part, to serve and benefit from this facility. The hotel site will of course be offered out to one of the budget chains I expect to develop and, given it is right next to the M62, they will probably have quite a few who would be more than interested!
The revenue from this facility will be used to keep any tenant rental costs low and it is widely expected that Wakefield will not remain the only regular stadium tenant and that maybe a football club will be part of the set up at some point!
The stadium trust is also hoping to operate a park and ride service in conjunction, I expect, from Aviva and Metro.
I hope that explains everything and the current proposed overall business model for the site... any more questions?