Quote Marshy1="Marshy1"And there lies Salfords problem, knee jerk reactions. Player comes on the market ... Buy him, coach loses a few games..... Sack him.
Surely the answer is build the club from the kids up, worry about winning things in time.'"
That's just not true though. Last season's team was made up of players close to retirement and players who were little more than Championship standard. There had to be a major clearout. How was that a knee jerk reaction?
Now, you could argue that some of the players recruited in their place are little better than the ones who were released, and the responsibility for that lies with the coach who signed them. How was removing that coach a knee jerk reaction?
As is typical with RL fans (or at least the ones who inhabit the sand pit this forum is becoming) if something happens once, they see it as a pattern and something to be derided. As you can see from this thread, there are Widnes fans pulling the meat right off the bone in their excitement over what's happening.
As for building the club 'from the kids up', I think that's just fantasy stuff. Without a successful first team, how are the club going to attract any of these kids of which you speak?