Quote NickyKiss="NickyKiss"You missed point 6- his new clubs fans backing him because he's now at their club!
What we are not doing,unlike Wigan followers and others,is insulting his intelligence and kicking him when he is down.
If the England camp is so lax that individuals can drink alcohol and then risk drowning by swimming shortly afterwards,it is best he is out of it.
I am now of the opinion it is the intention of Wigan followers to divert attention away from their club and it's perceived,by many rich rugby league club owners,toxic leader Ian Lenagan.
This is the individual who has caused the postponement of 2 meetings and as yet failed to deliver an alternative to whatever it is he is protesting about.
This is the individual who made statement about a player going out on loan to Widnes just to be vindictive.
This current,and past peccadilloes,involving Gareth Hock pales into total insignificance when contrasted to the behaviour of Andy Powell,who Lenagan signed after Gareth Hock left your club,he,of course,risked his own life and that of other road users by being drunk on a golf buggy on a motorway and also fought with,and lost,in a pub fight with QPR soccer supporters,in their manor,Shephards Bush London,to the amusement of the London-centric press and viewers of the well-known video sharing website.
Not satisfied with that,Lenagan,in his role as chairman at Oxford United,signed a goalkeeper on his release from prison,after he had crashed a motor vehicle into another resulting in the loss of 2 lives.
I really don't think any past or future action of Gareth Hock will be as bad as those outlined above.
The press has hinted that Lenagan isn't satisfied with the sponsorship organised by the RFL yet at Wigan,the shirt sponsorship by Applicado failed to last the 2013 campaign and they used the sponsorship company associated with Oxford United,Animalates,for the CC Final and beyond.
Hardly fills me with confidence.
If ever Gareth Hock brings the sport into disrepute,and with it bad publicity,to level that of Ian Lenagan,feel free to revisit and insult his intelligence.Better still,keep it for the VT.
I think Salford supporters feel the punishment for Gareth Hock has been disproportionate and singled him out based on previous disciplinary matters even though there is no evidence of him missing training or breaching whatever ruling was in place at a training camp in the past.