Quote Winslade's Offload="Winslade's Offload"The tone sounds about right. Clearly annoyed, but can't put the boot into the players for fear of lowering morale.
He has a tough job on his hands now with the injuries and under performing players. Still, if you have watched Wire for 30-40 years it's hardly anything new. Saints have had a bad patch for 3-4 years but seem to have come through, and so can we.'"
Some of the players are just not good enough I am afraid but the main thing we need is a pack leader.
Leeds won the grand final twice from fifth. The reason why they were fifth was because Jamie Peacock had a lengthy injury spell in both seasons and, when he came back, they were a different team. Players like Peacock are invaluable not just because of what they do but of what they bring out of the players around them. They instil confidence and players around them raise their game, particularly young inexperienced players. Nat Silcock and Charlie Winslade had such an effect on Warrington packs in the past, not to mention Mr. Morley. What we need is a Sam Burgess as opposed to a Roy Asotasi but where we are going to find such a player now is another matter. At the moment we have two captains which is a nonsense. If TS doesn't know who the leader is in the team, it suggests there isn't one.
We saw what could happen against Widnes when the pack imposes itself but Widnes were woeful that day and this present Warrington pack is not going to impose itself on many others in the league.
Talk of putting the boot in to TS is utter nonsense but History tells us that some brain dead fans will no doubt participate.
Congratulations to Castleford on the start they have made to the season. It is good for the game to see different names on the leader board. When the likes of Leeds, Wigan and Saints disappear from the top we will have a more successful competition. An unfortunate side effect though is the appearance of brain dead Cas fans on other boards who want to crow and talk garbage.