Quote jonny the leyther="jonny the leyther"Hi,
We're planning Fun Day 2 for the Batley game on Sunday 17th June.
Anyone got any ideas for it, or anyone willing to help?
Or even a little feedback from Fun Day 1 that hasn't been discussed?
A few players if able (I'd even get the youth players - any player who plays for Leigh even at youth level will be popular with the youngsters).
A fire engine or Police Car (something with a loud siren - it attracts children), even try for the NW Air Ambulance or Police Air support (you might get the community stalls but if the Helicopters go to a 'shout' I'm sure the pilots will buzz the ground on the way back).
Contact Batley and get them to bring the mascot with them - gives youngsters a idea of what the league is about and the mascots catch peoples attention and childrens imagination.
Something to keep Mum and Dad at the event (maybe a classic car or Motorbike on show for Dad, a flower stall for Mum or such like)
I'd get some stalls set out facing away from the entrance (set them facing morrisons), give a visual to a captive audience.
A local youth dance group, a brass band (attracts both sides of the age group and gives the event a sense of occasion).
Tuck shop (maybe a local shop would put a stall on - mainly things that children eat ,10p sweets etc, small bottles of pop).
Face painting.
Have a competiton for the Junior Centurions (best drawing of a Leigh player and Parky Pig) and give a prize to the winners at this event with a first team player and Parky involved with the prize giving- highlights the Junior centurions and what they are about.
Have some music on the concourse and something to direct people (need a PA with someone directing people around the event and annoucing whats going on all along building up to the match itself - team news 'you'll here it out here first' etc).
Bouncy castle worked so keep that, Birds of Prey worked but join them to the event so people know whats going on.