Quote Alan="Alan"There appeared to be a lot of subjectivity on the part of the ref. I know there is always a degree of interpretation on the ref's part, but those two clear examples on Sunday. (i.e. the injured Bradford lad pointed out by the Leigh players, and the ref rightly stopped the game. Then Adamson, who was also clearly injured, but penalised when he didn't roll away. He then required lengthy treatment before he could resume.) Like all other decisions, consistency is required.'"
Gaining consistency must start with interpreting the " Laws of the game" until that's addressed, I'm not sure what laws Officials are following because it certainly isn't what is written.
They still have laws of the game written that don't support the on field decisions of the Ref. They still have the laws that the PTB should be heeled back,and also the attacking player after being tackled should wait until the ruck is clear before the PTB.
Now if we want consistency, surely the " Laws of the game" require adapting so all Refs/Players/Coaches and fans are all on the same page.
I'm not saying its wrong to have a quick PTB and roll it through without using the heel or players not clearing the ruck. But the laws of the game cannot be followed without clarification for all.
It must be a nightmare for Refs.