Quote jools="jools"Not much else? What about the two try saving tackles he did make? That's a third of his tackles prevented tries! Shame murphy messed up on the next play the ball to let cats score after one of them. If he's tackling a lot it surely it suggests hes not organising the defensive line properly- or others aren't tackling as they should. Work rate? he probably does more running than most of the team- just a lot of it isnt with ball in hand! What about that fabulous kick from deep in his own half that taia had to chase back for and got us out of trouble. There's more to a positive contribution than scoring tries. - which against Leeds was simply about being in the right place at the right time. stats are useful and have the stats for Brett Hodgson- doesn't really give the whole story though does it.'"
Just out of interest which try from last week do you blame Murphy for.
There were mistakes in the build up to the tries so maybe you mean one of these.
But of the four tries scored one was a missed tackle (ferguson) one was from walking away from marker before the ball was played (George) one the winger ran straight over the top of the man (Grix) and the other was from a kick and there were three players around Duport when he scored.