Quote W.R.L.F.C="W.R.L.F.C"I am glad you seem to be getting it sorted out.But there must be some kind of punishment,Is it fair other teams to get points taken away but harlequins rugby league club not to ?.'"
Punishment for what? As far as I know, the club have no overdraft, no bank loans, no money owed to anyone? Ian Lenagan and David hughes own the business (at the moment) and therefore, they "invest" money like any other business owner. They are not owed money....business owners invest....they don't loan.
Quote W.R.L.F.C="W.R.L.F.C"Many a club including my team widnes, That have nearly gone to the wall have still had points taken away before the season starts?'"
...we haven't gone bust. We haven't nearly gone bust......what we have done is got the RFL to kick the 65% owner of the club to do what he said he was going to do.......but we have broken no rules. In 2005 we broke no rules either....but you conspiracy theorists will never learn.
Quote W.R.L.F.C="W.R.L.F.C"One more thing now u know you should be safe,Will this ever happen again,If its been going on for several seasons what will change ?'"
..What? Our terrible crowds? Hope the club sort that out, but I fail to see what point you are trying to make here? The RFL have never "bailed us out", regardless of the b0ll0x posted by trolls....as for being safe, we need to re-apply in 2011...just like everyone else so we are not "safe". We will score points for some things and lose points for others....but we needed to get rid of an owner who was breaking RFL rules by owning 2 clubs. IMO, Wigan should be punished if anyone
Quote W.R.L.F.C="W.R.L.F.C"Before u start saying im a troll,i am not, '"
....why post rubbish then?
Quote W.R.L.F.C="W.R.L.F.C"you must see how it looks from all the other clubs perspective.'"
.....the main problem with Rugby League is fans seem to want to point out the supposed failings of other clubs rather than concentrating on their own clubs failings......
....we do not get hand outs, we play in a nice ground, we have the most british team in SL, we are developing the game in the south east at our own expense and we have a minority shareholder who up until Friday who has backed us 100% financially.
These other clubs have issues of their own......Quins will deal with the crowd issue........but as a debt free club who are sticking to the rules as regard development and overseas players I would say Quins are in with a fair chance of getting another 3 years.
Quote W.R.L.F.C="W.R.L.F.C"Good luck friday against our old enemy warrington
'" They will murder us, but I think the good news about 2011 will still mean many a smiling cockney will be found in the bar after the game!