Quote gutterfax="gutterfax"Given that he is going to be CEO for the season at least and that it increasingly looks like David Hughes is our backer and TR out coach, what could be done to get you and the others to maybe come back on board?
Genuine question by the way. I believe that there are 1,000 or so core supporters including 600 ST holders and 400 regulars/"quite-oftens" and in this group there are maybe 150 fanatics, of which I would include you and the other usual suspects.
The 150 are key to this working in 2014.....if you accept that Gus is there for the year, what could be done to get you more actively involved with the club. PM me if you don't want to discuss this on an open forum, but I am keen to find out exactly what needs to be done to re-engage the fans with the club.
I don't mean club colours/badge etc....I mean what can the club do to get you back to the level of involvement from a few years back?'"
I think the whole support base is just getting fed up with everything, everyone has their own gripes, the performances, the management, the organisation and even each other and the team constantly losing doesn't encourage anyone to have a good time and if people aren't enjoying it they are going to drift.
Genuinely think results on the pitch would help morale for everyone, if that's not going to improve instantly then make the day enjoyable again, proper entertainment before after and during the game: u19s on pitch before the game, home fan v away fan kicking game at half time for a shirt or tickets or something, a good band after the game and a separate area that's quieter with whatever other sport is on tv in the bar before player presentations and
Non match day stuff could be the fans forum ( not a dig at club but it brings fans together on a non match day) a season launch like at st Katherine's dock a few years back. These things can allow fans time to connect with the club in other ways and feel part of it and not just like a number in the crowd with no input.
Playing games at times when other London league fixtures aren't on (amateur and champs1) would also be good, then invite them along, it can't hurt to do a couple of London league club days a year on a Friday night or a Sunday. There's a lot of keen league fans playing in London who know watching the broncos is a waste of time. Change that.
Themed match days like a ladies day, fancy dress day, wear your football shirt and get in for £1 day, Anzac Day could make for good days.
Sorry for turning it to a marketing post but sorting out supporters (new and old) experiences will improve things IMO