Quote BroncOnIon="BroncOnIon"Nothing to do with quoting only part of your post. You got your facts wrong and instead of admitting it, you changed the subject from marketing to attendances.'"
BroncOnIon...point out where I got my facts wrong...here's the ENTIRE conversation for you.....feel free to proffer an apology once you've sobered up
Quote BroncOnIon="meliferra"Interesting that a 10k leaflet drop was done for the area around the hive for tomorrows game.'"
Quote BroncOnIon="jbuzza"With a good offer ?'"
Quote BroncOnIon="gutterfax"Good stuff. Needs to happen for every game for the next 5 years and everyone who takes up the offer needs to have their data collected and their feedback sought. Alas, if the past is an indicator, it will happen once more and the be written off as a bad idea!'"
Quote BroncOnIon="meliferra"I've been trying to find out but so far no joy,.I've already said on twitter that unless the incentive is more than just telling people that there is a game I cant see it having much effect on numbers.'"
Quote BroncOnIon="gutterfax"Sticking posts in the ground and announcing a kick off time is standard marketing practice for the club. You'd hope that they would have given a decent incentive with a monitored call to action if they've spent a grand or so doing this.'"
Quote BroncOnIon="BroncOnIon"Do you know that they've done nothing else locally?'"
Quote BroncOnIon="gutterfax"Are you saying they have?'"
Quote BroncOnIon="wire quin"10000 leaflets posted it says on FB'"
Quote BroncOnIon="meliferra"Harrow Observer has had a full page spread for the last couple of weeks. A friend runs the admin at the shopping centre in Edgware and I know the Hive do occasional marketing exercises there.'"
Quote BroncOnIon="BroncOnIon"Yes, it's a bit difficult for gutters to notice that kind of stuff from 12,000 miles away.'"
Quote BroncOnIon="gutterfax"Indeed.......but the resultant attendances are there for all to see'"
Oh....on the last point. 1,017 is the result of putting flyers in letter boxes and ads in the papers. That's not marketing,,,,,,,that's advertising.