Quote MattyB="MattyB"Quote MattyB="Jukesays"Interesting or a Good idea?
How many times have you heard people complain about the Sponsor etc - So they've given customers/fans a choice
I'm sure people will find fault or put a conspiracy theory behind it but Hey Ho'"
If I was the club I would have a number of crests embroidered on a black patch. There you go, sew it on yourself......tenner.'"
Club won't do it, cos it defeats the point of the costa coffee logo they're so intent on forcing through.... but surely theres someone who'd be prepared to make them.....and make a sizeable profit on them.
I've already thought it myself.....I'm not sure an embroidered patch would work because of the material of the shirt, which is largely polyester these days, but if I had a printers (or access to one), i would create the badge off this as an iron on badge (like the super league sleeve logos you used to get).
[urlhttps://ellisrugby.com/product/wigan-rugby-league-shirt-1965-billy-boston/[/url Not sure how to post the image correctly!
If these were available I honestly think you'd sell 2-5k of them at a tenner a pop. There's probably a good 10-20k profit in it for someone who has facility.