Quote Newton-Le-willows-Warrior="Newton-Le-willows-Warrior"I'd actually like to see some of you lot watch a game of rugby. Look what finch does for organising the defensive line. He positions everyone in attack and people follow. The only game where he has been poor this year was the catalans game.
we would not have got the draw at leeds if it wernt for finch
he scored our only points against wire
people are expecting too much too soon. he should be praised for giving a very good account of himself today.'"
The other thing is - Finch and Lima have copped a lot of stick since arriving here, but how many of last year's team of unstoppables have played anything like as well this year?
For me, only Sam Tomkins has been a consistant performer. Joel, Lockers, Tommy and George have all blown hot and cold. Prekky and Moss have done okay, but I think Coley has been less effective. McIlorum has tried hard, but I don't think he's the answer to our hooking problem. In the second row, I reckon Faz is now better than Hansen, but he still doesn't get as much game time.
If you look at the away league fixture at Leeds last year, when we crucified them, all of these guys were absolute dynamite. We haven't seen anything like that this year yet.
So picking on two of the three new boys - especially when one has been seriously injured and the other has had minimal game time thanks to suspension - is a bit short-sighted, IMO.