Quote Judder Man="Judder Man"Do you want to come back on and have another alternative response, he's gone through a lot of problems of which some of them are self inflicted, most of them he dealt with.
In this scenario its an illness effecting people in different ways, most people have a neutral sympothetic response.'"
yes i do, and thanks to the moderators who didnt follow the knee jerk reaction of many who disagreed with my point of view.
its been pointed out about the lateness of my post, and that it was perhaps alcohol induced? It wasnt, it was tiredness induced, a badly constructed rushed affair that failed to detail any reasons for my generalisation.
Depression (clinical depression) isnt something to be taken lightly, its very serious, and can affect a persons everyday life, and the lives of friends and family. A depressive generally loses interest in normal everyday things, work, family, social activities etc etc.
Unfortunately there are many many cases where people say they have depression when they dont. They have problems. In same cases its an excuse to stay in bed, laziness. They are "under the weather" not "depressed". Those were the kind of people i was referring to. People who use the word as an excuse to bury their head in the sand regarding lifes problems.
Has Sean Long been clinically diagnosed as having depression? or do we just have his word for it? and quite frankly, given his track record, i wouldnt believe much that he says.
During this period that he was "depressed" he got a job in coaching, enthusiastically pursued opening his town centre bar, and as far as i know, enjoyed life with his kids. I could be wrong, but that doesnt sound like a man with depression.
However, i'm not qualified to recognise whars depression and what isnt, and neither i suspect is anyone else on here.
Thats my take on the situation, and hope i have cleared up a few things. Many of you will probably still disagree with me, but thats life.
I wont be posting any further in this thread, and hope we can draw a line under it.
If ive offended anyone with my original post, i would like to apologise. Not for my point of view, but for the way it was badly put across, and if Im totally wrong with my assumptions that Mr Long doesnt have Clinical Depression, then i would like to apologise to him too, and wish him a speedy recovery.