Quote B V Bob="B V Bob"It's good to see that most on here back Kear. The small number who want him out are very vocal but the polls shows most think they are wrong. Maybe they should try backing the team and leave him to do his job. I even had a bloke next to me in the 85th minute of the cup game with Cas telling me this team would go places when Kear left!
=#FF0000Kear has done a great job even though it turns out there were problems with money all along. He is 100% quality and deserves better from the minority who knock him.'"
Yes he has done a great job. The key word there is "
=#FF0000has" you can't just keep him because he has done a good job in the past. It's the future that concerns me and if we do stay in super duper league then we need a new coach ,ass coach & conditioner.
By the way I will always back Wakefield cos they are my home town club