Quote The Clan="The Clan"I won't reveal my source but I've been told on numerous occasions today that Halifax had an open goal and hit the corner flag. Their application was very poor, full of gaps and inaccuracies as was the Crusaders and we would have gained a franchise over these two even if Crusaders hadn't withdrawn.
Shoot me down in flames for not providing a link if you want but the truth will out in time.'"
Of course you can talk about our application because you know someone who knows someone who knows someone. Holes all over the place.... Must be moles.
There are bound to be sour grapes knocking around the place in Halifax, that is because what is perceived as your winning parts of the bid is what you can do because you have had SKY millions for the past few years, which we havent.
We promised to introduce a structured youth system (we have a record of fullfilling our promises) you have promised to do something about the ground (you dont have a track record of fullfilling your promises). The RFL chose to believe you over us, because they took the EASY option.
Like I said in another post, Its not really about Wakefield, you are a traditional Yorkshire team and we do wish you well. The main worry we have is if all the C grade teams achieve a B grade next year, pull up the draw bridge and close the doors, because its over for everyone else.
That said, its NOT Wakefields fault, they did exactly what they should, which is to protect themselves and you did a good job, no its all the fault of the RFL and their stupd franchise system.
Bring back promotion and relegation and give us something to damn well play for.