Quote jack in the box="jack in the box"As a point of interest, I was having a coffee outside the ridings shop on Saturday and they were replaying the Cas game. I finished up watching most of it and I was reminded how really well Liam Kay played. Makes you wonder who
is out there that would be better value for money.'"
I couldn't agree more, I've always rated him and I find him a genuinely exciting player.
However many things about the Liam non signing annoy me.
At the end of the day the deal we offered may have been less than for example Leigh but it's still a chance to play in SL.
When you consider Jason Demetriou packed his bags up and moved over here to try his luck with Chorley as have a long line of Aussies it makes you wonder whether Liam has the ticker and the desire.
If RL for him is just a job then fine but is that the kind of player we want? Where is the desire to prove yourself which is what is needed at the top level.
I just don't get it, years as a fringe player then a guaranteed squad place beckons on the back of just one good performance and he legs it to almost certain Championship obscurity.
Why not take the crappy 1 year deal we are offering, back yourself and play as well in your next 10 games and you can name your price. That's how it used to work, one game was never enough to guarantee you a big pay day and on this I fully agree with Agar. You can't hand out big deals on one SL game.
With Kay I'm genuinely disappointed because I feel he's not got the ambition and guts to match what I feel is his genuine ability. I know some will criticise me but he is typical of many young English players and their greedy agents.
Very sad as we are both losers.