Quote gastric band="gastric band"Ok sorted, sorry for starting this topic, I will refrain from my cheeky complaining at the price increase, refrain from me and my mates age old practise of enjoying some alcholic refreshment on game day and try to come to terms with my bigger issues.'"
I think i may detect a hint of sarcasm......
Seriously though, you are not forced to by a drink, if you want a drink then that's fine, you know the price so you can make an informed decision.
Now I don't know you from Adam (Unless your name is Adam in which case it was a lucky guess....) but if you think £4.50 is expensive for a pint then you haven't been to many big cities recently where that is an average price or to many other sporting or concert venues where I would consider £4.50 cheap. Whoever said it was Wembley prices, behave, at last years Challenge Cup Final it was at least £6 a pint.
As Wakefield fans we have had a lot to complain about over the years and complaining is one of the things we do best but I think anybody complaining about this is barking up the wrong tree or maybe peeing in the wrong pot would be more accurate.
The only surprise on this topic is that nobody has tried to blame it on Theresa May or Brexit although with such a pointless topic going on so long I may have missed it....