Quote Yorkshire Loyal="Yorkshire Loyal"Does anyone know how they got into so much debt?
The crowds at wakefield ain't too bad, plus you don't really have any superstar players, so i can't understand it.
You have similer crowds as Huddersfield and attract the same calibre of players as them, but Hudders seem to be doing ok for themselves?
If your new stadium doesn't happen, as an outsider i think a good idea would be to move into Dewsburys Stadium. With a little work it could be a cracking stadium.
A few of my wakey mates have said the same, Would be a bit silly going to Barnsley'"
It's not about TOO MUCH DEBT it's about about having a debt level that's unserviceable, Wakefields debts are approx £800,000 which in the grand scheme of things is not that much.
Sts are reportedly £8Million, HKR £5Miliion and so on, the difference being that they can service their debt due to rich directors being willing and able to underwrite them.
Crusaders went into administration owing over £2.2Million so when you compare Wakefield with them you can see that Wakefields old BoD just ran out of money, options, collateral and Teds IVA was the final nail.