Quote WormInHand="WormInHand"I think there were two attempts to gauge Shaul.
Thie first is Campese shoving Albert Belly out of the way then reaching at arms length in a swiping downward motion across the face. That's actully the bottom photo here, and is at 18.59 in the Sky footage. Couple of seconds later it is actually Lunt who has the second go. That is Lunt's hand you can see in the top two photos, and you clearly see Shaul flinch backwards and duck downwards as he feels the fingers near his eyes.19.04 on the footage.
Well, we have a right couple of new charmers in the Rovers team this season, don't we? Campese and Lunt - CLunt. Reminds me of that old pantomime villain CLint Newton but this pair are properly nasty.
Funniest moment of the match for me? Campese protesting to the touchie after Naughton's try. It was right in front of us as we were down the side in the corner. He ran after the touchjudge, was ignored, took out his lime green gumshield and threw it on the floor. An actual real live and almost literal dummy spit. He stared at it on the ground and I actually thought he was going to jump up and down on it in a tantrum. Comedy gold, barely 2 minutes after the spiteful scrap.
Petulant type, then.'"
I've seen quotes referencing what a great leader Cramp-easy is and what a great influence he has on the Rovers team. In fact, I think some of those quotes came from Jamie Peacock (who was a truly great on-field leader).
Having watched his petulant, niggly performance this weekend, I think Ellis showed anyone watching what a true leader is. No petulance, no tantrums, no niggle, just focused, direct aggression, leading from the front and taking his team with him. To me, Taylor's influence is sometimes underestimated in this regard, I think he also possesses those qualities, but from a squad perspective the team fed off Ellis' lead and that, alongside the reintroduction of Mini, Taylor and a game changing cameo from Carlos, won us the game.
Campese is clearly a top drawer player, I am genuinely glad to see him back on the field after all of his injury troubles, but I thought he led his team poorly on Sunday.
As for Lunt, simply no class at all. Decent player, no doubt, but I've no time for him whatsoever.