Quote Leigh_Manning="Leigh_Manning"all you did was generalise about fixed incomes.
Amyway, it's 60, wether you or I agree with it isn't going to change anything.'"
I didn't generalise about anything so I really don't understand what you mean? The reason why concessions are given to OAP's and the disabled is because they generally have no other earning potential. To means test every concession would be for every applicant to show bank accounts etc and that just isn't possible. Bumpy originally said there is a significant level of fraud to age related concessions, but I don't see how there could be because as he knows, any concession has to show proof and in fact has to show proof every ticket bought if you don't have a seasons pass. I know of at least one person who doesn't have a pass and has to show the club his concession proof every game.