A whole new level of wrong
Quote Sebasteeno="Sebasteeno"Your all talking like were some mega side but the facts are as poor as Salford are theyre a better team than us and the league table at the end of the season will show this.'"
Not ALL of us think we're a "mega side" (I'm not even sure any of us do) but we can see some good in amongst the rubbish, unlike some who only see what they want to see and only post when performances suit their agenda, eh? That's why games like last night are totally frustrating.
And the aggregate score over the 2 games (FC 66, Salford 44 - plus 1 in extra time) would suggest that [uwe[/u are the better team, when it suits us, or when Rangi decides he wants to play. Last week he didn't, this week he did. Yes, our defence was poor last night when last week we started off with something like 6 consecutive sets defended on our line, and then another 7 in the second half. 8 points conceded after all that pressure was incredible. We are unfortunately as inconsistent as last year. Still.
Quote SebasteenoWe are at best a 7/8th position team (more likely 9-10th) with no chance of winning anything'"
We'll see, but this early in the season, who knows. There are still two trophies available (and I'm realistic enough to realise that the chances are slim, but you never know what could happen).
Quote Sebasteenowith two rubbish half backs,'"
Did you watch the game last night? Miller and Rankin did well in their [ufirst game together[/u. Hardly fair to call them rubbish based on just 80 minutes together. Or were you meaning Horne and one other?
Quote Sebasteenoa couple of stars and a load of also rans. '"
Who were the stars last night? The only "star" we have is Ellis and he wasn't playing. Having stars and also rans is the way it has to be because of the salary cap. Ryan Bailey has a load of Grand Final winner rings and I'd class him as an also ran. Matty Smith wasn't classed as a decent SH a few years back, but won the double last year and the Lance Todd. Blake Green was a Rovers reject who didn't look crash hot in that shade of red and white, but won the double and the Harry Sunderland. It's all down to coaching, both rugby coaching and attitude coaching. If the team are together and playing well, it doesn't matter who they are. Why doesn't your post mention Radford?
Quote SebasteenoWhy you arnt used to this kind of inept performance is beyond me my only surprise is the utter shock you great one with'"
Not entirely sure where you're going with that, but we are all, unfortunately, used to that type of performance. If you've paid any attention over the last 2-3 years you'll know just how capable we are of great play and utter tripe. I haven't noticed anyone shocked by last night.
Quote SebasteenoWake up, were poop and under Pearsons ownership nothing will ever change, the guys clueless'"
No we aren't poop. We're consistently inconsistent. I presume you'd rather have Hetherington et al back in charge too based on that. You also appear to have missed that we have Motu Tony back in a managerial role, so suggesting that AP is clueless is irrelevant. He will be acting on advice from others in areas he doesn't know about. What particular area is his lack of knowledge damaging the club?