Quote colt-45="colt-45" and for god sake allow then to rule on a forward pass by not ruling on a forward pass they allowing "cheating" to be rewarded. They have the technology use it.'"
Whilst the dobbins try came from a very obvious forward pass, it hardly constitutes 'cheating' as you claim as it was not a deliberate act by the player passing the ball. Neither was it 'blatent' as that again that infers some sort of deliberate act on the passing players behalf.
The problem lies with how referees are instructed to apply the rules, the rules are the rules. Apply them (with a small amount of leniancy of course) or just get rid of the rule.
Also the touchies need to have more involvement and/or authority to over-ride the head official, some are afraid to make important decisions and/or instruct the referee of an infringement. There's letting the game flow and just letting it get beyond a joke, because it is often the latter teams/coaches are aware of this and thus you have situations described as a 'flat pass' which are invariably forward which are let go because the refs don't want a stop start game all the time.
Enforce the rules and you'll have some horrible stop start games at first but soon enough players/coaches will grasp they'll have to stick far mmore rigidly to the rules and thus the games should be far less controversial.
I know NFL is really stop start so in some ways is easier to officiate with 7 officials but the rules are often followed to the Nth degree which is a step too far
Still think we should have a coach challenge, one in each half.