Quote knockersbumpMKII="knockersbumpMKII"Haha, and your tripe is? You obviously didn't get the education you sorely needed if you can't read nor digest what I had written. I'm sure someone will be along to explain it for you or I could send you some reading cards, I'm always happy to help out. You, kosh et al can say what you like, it matters not because you've come up with nothing, absolutely jack shat to rebuff what I've said and your little tattling and finger pointing means nada but as your momma's wouldn't want you getting involved with adult conversations and discussing things in an adult manner both of which you are clearly exempt from you may as well jog on now.'"
Adults tend to be able to converse without using language I last heard in the playground, but hey ho...
Quote knockersbumpMKII="knockersbumpMKII"Keep on deluding yourselves everything is fine and dandy, keep on having a go at posters for voicing their justified opinion.'"
Maybe you could quote where I've posted that everything is OK? Or having a go at you for voicing an opinion?
Quote knockersbumpMKII="knockersbumpMKII"Actually Yes KOSH, Seymour has being singled out for the blame'"
Have you read any of the other threads or just this one? Because any number of other players have come in for stick.
Quote knockersbumpMKII="knockersbumpMKII"but crack on with your version of events'"
I don't have a 'version of events'.
Quote knockersbumpMKII="knockersbumpMKII"your only comeback was to bring up a previous post of mine saying we looked like we had a good squad'"
It seemed relevant given that you'd just told us they were all crap.
Quote knockersbumpMKII="knockersbumpMKII"as I said, this is the adults section you may as well go home to your momma, maybe learn some manners for one thing.'"
Again with the playground stuff.
Quote knockersbumpMKII="knockersbumpMKII"you both fail/don't want to acknowledge there is a problem, fine, tuck your necks in and ignore it just like all the other fools.'"
Still haven't read any other threads, then? Because, once again, nobody is saying that we don't have problems.
Quote knockersbumpMKII="knockersbumpMKII"i don't need some approval from you lot'"
Good for you. It's only a messageboard at the end of the day. Some people take it far too seriously. Good job you aren't one of them.
Quote knockersbumpMKII="knockersbumpMKII"I can speak my mind perfectly clearly and not resort to back biting child like posts'"
Your last few posts are clear evidence to the contrary.