Quote Starbug="Starbug"No they cant , he could however possibly be looking at a ' bringing the game into disrepute charge ' , although a slapped wrist ' dont be a naughty boy ' scenario is more likely'"
That's probably any chance of a licence for 2012 gone for Widnes now.
I think Cullen is right. The off season isn’t used to entirely honest effect by some players imo. I’ve heard all kinds of rumours, even from people within the game, about drug abuse. I know that most serious gyms are rife with drugs, so it would be easy for any player to get hold of them.
I think the culture at the Wire, when PC was in charge, was probably the reason he parted company with them. The board wouldn’t back him on certain, undisclosed, issues. Given the strong rumours doing the rounds at the time, it isn’t hard to guess what those issues may have been.
PC cannot now go pointing the finger at individual players. That would be wrong in itself, and could lead to him being sued. This is a typical RFL ploy to discredit what he is saying, by asking him to do what they know full-well he can never do. He was referring to a general culture within the sport that is clearly causing him some concern. Given the stature of some of the players recently banned, you’d have to be concerned about just how common drug abuse is within the sport of Rubgy League.
Perhaps BOOTS ‘N’ ALL wasn’t the platform to be so strident about it, but I guess he was just being ruthlessly honest and talking from the heart. If your own children are playing the sport, with a possible view to becoming a professional, you cannot blame him.