Quote Tatty Feeld="Tatty Feeld"Your loyalty to the cause is admirable DM but one day you will wake up and realise the Dons are a joke in every way.The five year plan is already two seasons old and the promise keeps repeatedly being made to keep supporters hopes alive. Bramall at the helm of Club Doncaster had a windfall of £500m in 2007 and out of it set up a foundation promising £100m and gave £2m to Birmingham University.What do the Rovers and the Dons Get-sodding peanuts? With that sort of money if the promise of Super League is true, the Dons should have been given a budget that attracts the very best players and a coach with credentials that virtually guarantee promotion, such as a top Aussie. It's all a load of absolute bull and always will be under this lot. At least in the days of Tatters Field and Sunday Bloody Sunday,the 200 supporters that went to matches (including me) knew the team were bad and had no backing to do anything about it,but by god those on the pitch always gave 100% as dire as it may have been.'"
I wake up every day and realise that the Dons aren't where they should be and that Club Doncaster have to take responsibility for that. It hurts me as I very much want to see a successful team in Doncaster as I love the game of rugby league. It's given me a lot of pleasure (and pain) watching the Dons throughout the last 40 years but regardless of who is in charge or how well we're doing, I could never stop watching them. It's a way of life for me and I can't see that changing. That actually makes our short-comings more difficult for me to take, not easier.
One of the reasons I've enjoyed rugby league so much is the commitment of the players. They put their necks on the line every week and I fully respect them for it. You only have to look at Louis Sheriff's attitude in one of the pre-season matches when he ran the ball out from our own half with enough enthusiasm to knock down a barn door. He ran into three players who were twice his size, got flattened, dusted himself down, and was ready to go again straightaway. And that was in a friendly.
I hope Club Doncaster learn from their mistakes, of which there are many. I hope Richard Horne is the man to take us forward. Only time will tell.