Quote Roy Haggerty="Roy Haggerty"Personally, I think this is a rubbish article.
Firstly, he has a pop at all the referees collectively. That's stupid from anyone connected to a club.
So it's okay for him to take a pop at our team, but not another crucial element to the sport. Unlike other chairman who have spoken out, he's not saying it owing to the fact his team have been on the receiving end recently. Further, I don't think he complains about the quality of refereeing once - just the direction that we are taking AS A SPORT. It's every chairmans prerogative to speak out about that.
Quote Roy Haggerty="Roy Haggerty"
Secondly, there are some unpleasant, potentially homophobic, undertones there, which are hardly appropriate given recent events.
I'm going to assume your on about the village people comment, as I've been through it several times and cannot find where you'd of got this from. The village people famously wore varying degrees of ridiculous headwear (some would say akin to our refs) - as far as I know, their sexuality wasn't related to the choice of headwear? Or are you saying we cannot make any comparison to anything anyone gay has ever done in fear of being accused of homophobia? Does saying oscar wildes plays are a poor mans Shakespeare mean I am making a homophobic comment?
Quote Roy Haggerty="Roy Haggerty"
Thirdly, it's just a silly argument. You cannot demand that referees don't refer decisions to the video ref at televised games. Just imagine the sort of fuss McManus would make if Saints were knocked out of the playoffs to a last gasp try which involved a knock-on, but the ref gave it anyway rather than referring it to the screen.
Imagine the uproar he'd of made if a player ACTUALLY knocked on in a playoff game to lose us the match - that's the point - the players are accountable for their actions. So should the refs.
Quote Roy Haggerty="Roy Haggerty"
It's fine when the game's not on TV : everyone only gets to see the incident once, so even if one set of fans disagree with the ref's decision, they can't be absolutely certain. At a televised game, even the smallest knock-on, obstruction or toenail in touch is shown in super-slow motion repeatedly, no matter whether the ref has referred it or not.
As the current issue of obstruction shows, the game has two sets of rules dependant on whether your televised or not. That's simply wrong. Yes both teams on a pitch at any given time plays by the same rules, two matches played at the same time aren't. In the age of streaming is it not possible to have a group of referees in a pod somewhere, having several matches streamed in and making a decision for multiple games remotely? Anyway McManus isn't complaining about the fact video refs exist - merely how they are packaged and delivered to the viewing public, and what affect the long breaks are having on the game.
Quote Roy Haggerty="Roy Haggerty"
A ref would have to be absolutely mad, if he had any doubt at all, not to refer a try. Because if he didn't, and the replay showed a mistake from an angle he couldn't have seen, then he would be crucified by the fans and players in the stadium, and the likes of McManus would then further crucify him afterwards.
You mean just like a player would for making a mistake? Or a coach? Or in fact, anyone else in the sport? Go read saddeneds posts if you don't believe everyone is a target, even McManus. Why should a ref get to abscond from a judgement call for fear of getting it wrong? Does McManus get to do it if he's unsure whether to give wellens a new contract? No, he has to make a decision, and get crucified by the fans if he's wrong.
Quote Roy Haggerty="Roy Haggerty"
You can argue about how the obstruction rule could be interpreted - that's a valid point.
Agreed were in danger of getting over run by rulings in the current situation.
Quote Roy Haggerty="Roy Haggerty"
You can argue about whether we want to see the backs of two refs in suits fiddling with a TV - I don't, as it happens.
Hence you agree with the Punch and Judy comments?
Quote Roy Haggerty="Roy Haggerty"
But the idea that refs should deliberately risk getting a crucial decision wrong when 10,000 people are about to be given the chance to see it from a dozen slow-motion angles, is just mad.
He simply states theres a stronger case to abolish video refs than increase their involvement. Which is true. Furthermore, there's much more of an argument to limit their involvement then remove them entirely. Personally I'd like to have a situation where an on field ref has to make a decision (as with in Australia) and the video ref has a certain number of replays/ time to disprove it.
Quote Roy Haggerty="Roy Haggerty"
Last point. Saints are playing in the Grand Final against Wigan. Wigan score two breakaway tries which involve small knock-ons at the point of scoring, which the ref can't see because he's running from behind play. Put your hands up if you'd rather he just gave the try and allowed Wigan to take the trophy, rather than refer it to a video ref. After all, not wasting that extra 2 minutes is far more important than getting the decision right. Isn't it ? Well it is, isn't it ?
Yes, because bias on a saints forum outweighs the ability to argue with logic. If the overall quality and entertainment value is being compromised, then something has to change. As great as it would be as a saints fan for that situation, if 5,000 people turn off bored at the repeated replays, then it's no good. In this case the video ref. just like flankers, mauls! competitive scrums etc etc etc
Quote Roy Haggerty="Roy Haggerty"
Silly article. I expected better from McManus.'"
I'd of expected better from you tbh. No where does he say he would abolish video refs, or refs should be expected to not use everything at their disposal, yet you've taken that interpretation. The issue needs to be looked at, and in danger of enveloping the game. That's the point. I've put forward some ideas I like to solve the issue - something McManus doesn't (which can be the only criticism of this article)